Effective and Relaxing Acupuncture Treatments to Restore Health & Wellness

Acupuncture FAQs


  • Modern research has demonstrated that acupuncture has the ability to balance the autonomic nervous system by improving vagal nerve tone, decreasing inflammation, balancing neurotransmitters and hormones, and improving blood flow and circulation. The combination of these interactions stimulates the body's innate ability to heal.While life span has been on the uptick, health span has been on the decline. Our acupuncture clinic believes that you deserve the opportunity to experience optimal health and longevity. Acupuncture is rooted in concept of total vitality. When patients present symptoms such as chronic pain, anxiety, digestive issues, fertility issues, or other symptoms that impact daily living, are considered warning signs that health is out of balance. We combine acupuncture with Chinese herbal medicine, and our natural medicine techniques that provide a multifaceted approach to restore optimal health and maximize longevity.

  • At North Shore Acupuncture and Natural Medicine - our acupuncture clinic utilizes Japanese style acupuncture. This treatment style uses thinner needles, and a gentler technique with a shallow needle insertion. Japanese acupuncture style relies on palpation of the abdomen, back and various pulses throughout the body.Rather than approaching your health, symptom by symptom - we utilize an approach that addresses all aspects of your life. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and insights to make changes to your life that can propel your health further than you ever imagined! We combine Eastern and Western medical philosophies for a result orientated approach to your health. Our approach includes the use of acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and our natural medicine techniques that serve as a multifaceted approach to optimizing health and longevity.

  • At North Shore Acupuncture and Natural Medicine, we employ the use of Japanese acupuncture. This style of acupuncture is praised for being gentle, effective, and comfortable for all ages. Additionally, for those whom are timid of needles, we can offer needle-free techniques as well as manual therapies such as, Craniosacral therapy. Craniosacral therapy.

  • Our patients understand that acupuncture is only one aspect of their path to wellness. Our goal is to prepare our patients for success both on and off of our acupuncture treatment tables. We transform our patients into their own healers by providing them with the tools and insights to take control of their health and longevity. At the end of each acupuncture treatment our patients are provided with take home materials. These take home materials can include: 

    TCM Dietary Recommendations: Foods are tailored to your individual needs and centered around nutrient dense and plant based foods to maximize antioxidants, boost-energy, decrease inflammation, and promote better sleep. Additionally, we will employ the use of vitamins, minerals and supplements where needed. This is due to the fact that crops grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties we consume today.

    Lifestyle and Healthy Living Recommendations: With the Transtheoretical Model in mind, we work with you to make minor changes to your everyday life. It’s truly remarkable how small changes can greatly impact your quality of life. We assist you with natural stress relief, boosting energy, enhancing digestion, and improving quality of sleep to transform your mental and physical health!

    Exercise & Movement Recommendations: Our bodies are designed for movement and unfortunately only 24% of Americans meet the recommended amount of movement/exercise per week. We combine 20+ years of exercise science, exercise physiology and health promotion to make specific recommendations based on the goals and abilities of our patients. Whether this is through exercise prescriptions, stretching therapies, or simple movement modifications we’re here to help you exceed your health and fitness goals and enhance your longevity.

  • During the first treatment, we will review the patient's health history, including medications, diet, exercise, and daily habits. Additionally, we will access meridians, acupuncture points, and obtain pulse diagnosis. Through observation and diagnosis tools, we are able to gather extensive information relating to your health. From there we determine what treatment plan is best for your individual health. Our individualized health care plans are created to restore balance and harmony within the body. We work with each patient to restore inherent health and vitality regardless of how acute or chronic a symptom or disease may be.

  • Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine affects each patient differently. While it is common to experience immediate relief from your symptoms, acupuncture works best with a number of treatments. This is especially true for chronic conditions, as chronic conditions are more deeply rooted and a greater number of treatments are necessary to completely resolve the health condition. During the initial consultation we will discuss a treatment plan for your specific condition and needs.

  • During your first visit, North Shore Acupuncture and Natural Medicine will discuss your health history, health conditions, lifestyle and behaviors. The acupuncturist wants to obtain a complete history to understand your individualized acupuncture treatment plan as well as, determine if Chinese herbal medicine should be part of your treatment plan. After the initial consultation, you will receive an acupuncture treatment.

  • Yes, to enhance the value of an acupuncture treatment, the following guidelines are important.

    • Please have a light snack and wear comfortable clothing for treatment.

    • Do not eat an unusually large meal immediately before or after treatment.

    • Do not over-exercise within 6 hours before or after treatment.

    • Plan your activities so that after treatment you can get some rest, this is especially important for the first few visits.

    • Continue to take any prescription medicines as directed by your physician.